Sharonne Gracia Marin

Movement for me is natural medicine. Yoga was the first time I connected with my body and spirit as an adult. After throwing myself into practice for a year I decided to do my teacher training. Teaching and guiding others now brings me so much joy as I know what the practice did for me years ago.

I want to convey the message that we are limitless beings. I am a radical dreamer, a sacred rebel that brings the light of positive energy to the world through connection and movement. My favorite place is anywhere people are gathered to connect, breathe and expand their minds, body, and soul.

Wild would be an accurate word to describe me. I have never wanted a 9-5 kind of job because I knew it wasn’t what I was here to do. So, I have been doing my best to live more the way I love, RAAW.

RAAW Yoga represents my philosophy and teaching and the way I see myself showing up to the world on my mat and for my students.

My belief is that if you aren’t showing up to the world being RAAW you will find yourself at war with the world, others, and yourself.

For me, good health is about the balance and union between body, mind, and soul. Yoga found me at a time when I feel I needed it the most, and it has become part of who I am and a way of life. While yoga seems physical, the real promise is a life of inner peace. All it takes to enter the sacred lineage of yoga is to practice. I want to help people to feel confident in their bodies and to feel empowered by what they can do.

Through my own personal experience, I have learned that practicing Yoga is an indispensable tool for the improvement of our lives. Yoga helps me feel healthier, stronger, and all-around happier. I am passionate about encouraging others to try it for themselves in the hopes they may experience similar benefits.

If you want to learn more about yoga and meditation training and are curious about the profound changes it can bring when fully embraced in your lifestyle. please, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Sharonne ♡