The RAAW Collective

Real, Alive, Authentic, Wild

If we spent more time moving with the force of life, how much happier would we be?

We owe ourselves to acknowledge that our mind is much smaller than the life force within us. Have you ever thought about what would happen if we let go of expectations and just became free to be?

To have a human experience. To feel happy with just loving and living.

With daily yoga and meditation practice, manifestation and affirmation games, sound bath healing, fluid movement, dance, singing, engaging with and enjoying nature, and much more, adopting RAAW will transform you and your life.

This life is about the balance between strength and flexibility.

Through connecting everyone to their inner sacredness, RAAW Yoga is a gateway for self-empowerment and personal growth to help others thrive in life by nurturing the body, mind, and soul, planting the seed of good intention.

RAAW Yoga represents my philosophy and teaching and the way I see myself showing up to the world on my mat and for my students.

My belief is that if you aren’t showing up to the world being Raaw you will find yourself at war with the world, others, and yourself. Here is what that looks like to me:


Being real means being honest with yourself, acting according to your values, and bringing your full self to every interaction. Being real points toward an ongoing process of uncovering what’s deep within us. It involves a sincere effort to go inside ourselves and uncover what we’re actually experiencing, and then communicate that. Being Real is who we ACTUALLY are. It's never who we create in order for people to see.


You may be living, but are you really alive?

What does it mean to be alive and do you value it?
Do you want to live with as much aliveness as you can? 

To me being alive in the “real sense” involves being grateful, challenging or testing yourself, developing and growing at every moment, experiencing life to the fullest, living a meaningful life, loving what you have, and thinking you belong here. Yoga is the way I've gotten to truly understand what it means to be alive. By being active, animate, breathing, existing, full of spirit, being aware of my heartbeat, feeling vibrant, etc.


When we are being authentic, we are being vulnerable; we are showing all parts of us, the good with the bad. When we do this, we allow for more intimate and honest relationships, and we allow for true acceptance and unconditional love. Being authentic is a daily practice. It is a moment-by-moment choice of embracing your truth and being fearless enough to share it with the world. To be our authentic self, we have to know what that is. Coming from the perspective of Yoga philosophy, which is thousands of years old and a time-tested path to knowing one’s true Self, this journey begins by noting the difference between self (with a small ‘s’) and Self (with a capital ‘S’.)


This is a space for us to explore with full permission and curiosity. We don’t hold back here the sounds we want to make or the movement that naturally comes to us. We let out who we really are, who we want to be. We create a safe space where we can be free and unfold without judgment. If you find yourself caught up in your head we try to bring that to your body. We feel our thoughts in our bodies.

What are your hips saying?

What does the way you walk show?

How do you hold yourself?