Kai Samiere

Kai Joseph Samiere

The more I learn about nutrition, the more I realize how foundational food is in living a balanced life and performing your best.

With so much misinformation on the internet and social media, it's become impossible to decipher what's right, wrong or somewhere in between. My goal is to use evidence-based research and a human-to-human approach to help those around me unlock their maximum potential through their nutrition.

When I think of RAAW and nutrition, my mind thinks of two things. Culture and Community. These are essential aspects of thriving in the advanced society we have become. While so much has changed over the past centuries, one thing remains the same and always will, and that is we sit down and eat our meals together. Society is slowly taking that away from us, and without community, our connections begin to fade.

I believe that when we nourish our bodies and our minds, we get the most out of ourselves. Whether it simply be through food, or a consistent meditation practice, connecting with friends, reading, or learning a new language; it’s important to feed both the physical and the spiritual.

In health,